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UP TO V1.3:See the source code of the ZShell V1.3 release
           (for example on FISH disk 537).
            Author: Paul Hayter 
           Source: 103 KByte, Executable: 13 KByte, Doc: 32 KByte.

V2.0:There were so many changes, I think there is no sense in listing
     them all here, because it may be longer than this document. So just
     read this document or the source code.
     All changes since V1.3 made by  Martin Gierich . Released 14.10.94.
     Source: 180 KByte, Executable: 25 KByte, Doc: 72 KByte.

V2.1  11.12.94:
    * IMPORTANT FOR THOSE WHO USED ZSHELL V2.0: Do not start ZShell V2.1 *
    * if ZShell V2.0 is resident. This will crash your machine !         *
    * Do not use ZSH V2.0 with ZShell V2.1 and vice versa.               *
  - Added a  review  buffer to see that again what scrolled out of the
    window. A scrollbar will probably added in future.
  - Changed default  CTRL -keys; added 2 new CTRL-keys (see  HISTORY ).
  - Changed usage of  MORE  (you can still use the cursor keys).
  -  DIR  now hides all these files that  Filenamecompletion  ignores.
  - Some bugs found with mungwall and scratch are fixed.

V2.2  03.01.95:
  - Fixed a REALLY NASTY BUG that trashed taskswitching when closing ZShell.
  -  AmigaGuide-Documentation  added !
  -  RUN-Command  added !
  -  NEWCLI  has a new argument template.
  -  CTRL-J = Shift-RETURN  puts the command line in History
    buffer without executing.
  -  PROMPT  now knows the args %s and %c :-) . Default Prompt
    changed to "%s> ".
  - Better building of the CLI-Interface when  starting  from WB.
  - Now the  Pseudo-Assign  PROGDIR: is provided (OS2.0+ only).
  -  LIST -Q -R  also works;  DIR  can also list recursive.
  -  ECHO Hi There !  will now do the same as ECHO "Hi There !" .
  - Improved options when  starting  from CLI.

V2.3  10.02.95:
    This time there are some real new features. Because now I have my
    OS3.1 Autodocs and Includes, I have added several features that can
    only be used with OS2.0+. There will be done version-checkings before
    using OS2.0+ specific stuff, so no need to be afraid of crashes.
  - New Commands:  MAKEICON ,  MAKELINK ,  FLAGS  and  MOVE .
  -  DELETE ,  COPY ,  MOVE ,  PROTECT  and  JOIN  are fully rewritten !
    They now all use the directory-lister (for LIST and DIR)
    and therefore all support wildcards and recursive processing !
  -  PATH -Command is now AmigaDOS compatible.
    Paths from Workbench are duplicated on starting from Workbench.
  - Support of Hardlinks and Softlinks by  MAKELINK ,  LIST  and  DIR .
  -  ASSIGN  supports ADD, REMOVE, PATH and DEFER.
  -  Redirection  improved: Can also be redirected to  MORE .
  - Can be iconified to an ApplicationIcon (see  FLAGS ).
  - Erroroutput is done by DOS.
  -  DELETE DEVICE  formats a disk quick,
  -  DELETE FORCE  ignores delete-protection-bits.
  -  Filenamecompletion  can show all matching files.
  -  MORE  supports "more keys" and checks windowsize.
  -  ALIAS  can work without surrounding quotes; now you
    have to remove  before " ,sorry for any incompatibilities.
  - CHECK is moved to  FLAGS , VEC is moved to  SHOW V .
  - RESET removed: It was a hack ! RECOPY removed: Has anybody needed it ?
  - First line in  Command History  is the last changed line.
  - You can use ^* instead of ^$9b with  ECHO  and  PROMPT .
  - Really faaaast searching in  MORE ,  SEARCH  and  HELP .
  - Bugfix and new options when  starting  from CLI.
  - New Tooltypes for  starting  from Workbench.
  -  HELP  only searches the current dir and S: for the manual.

  Now there is not much of the original V1.3 release left, because most
  of the old parts are totally rewritten and size has more than doubled !

V2.4  28.02.95:
    Important bugfixes made !
  - Application-Window allows dropping Workbench-Icons into ZShell-Window; OS2.0+
  -  Check-Flag  checks writes to low memory
  -  SHOW task  shows redirection/background
  -  DIE task  removes task
  -  COPY  uses dots as progress indicator
  - If an error during starting occurs, there will be an  errormessage 
  - Sets Wildstar-Flag in System, so you can use "*" instead of "#?"
    with all commands; OS2.0+
  -  Hide-Flag  added.
  - Lots of bugfixes

V2.5  11.04.95:
  - Localized most messages using the catalog of AmigaDOS, so no
    translating required (and I do not have to look for translators :-) ; OS2.1+
  - Pressing  CTRL-F  a filerequester pops up; OS2.0+
  - Possible to open own Public Screen on  starting ; OS2.0+
  -  EXECUTE  uses AmigaDOS Shell for executing scripts
    and therefore no longer causes compatibility problems. To execute
    ZShell-scripts: set S-protection flag and use it like a  command .
  - Correct inserting of strings when pressing function-keys or dropping
    an Icon on Window/AppIcon
  - Removed C: as default  path . This was a stupid idea
    I got from the AmigaDOS Shell. It is better to have C: as first path.
  - You can use textfiles/Amigaguides with E-flag set like a  command .
    It will then be displayed using  amigaguide.library . With OS3.0+
    this even works on everything supported by your datatypes (like pics)
  - Problems with foreign characters hopefully fixed
  - NEWCLI and RUN now copy stacksize, appiconname and windowname
  - ToolType ICONIFY fixed. It has NEVER worked !
  -  Starting ZShell  chapter improved
  Source: 217 KByte, Executable: 31 KByte, Guide: 104 KByte.

V2.6  02.06.95 (was not on Aminet):
  - Commands changed:
     HTYPE  filename [offset]
     LOCATE  [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE]
  - New Command:  SPLIT  source dest length [offset]
  -  Filename completion  now reads directory to
    memory to decrease access time. It is now fine to use on floppy disks,
    too. By pressing TAB multiple times you can cycle through the matches.
  - No more problems to delete the last used directory, because "dir back"
    (a single point as command) uses a string instead of a lock.
  - Showing files using Amigaguide does not check for the E-protection-
    flag anymore
  - Use ESC or Q key to quit  MORE 
  - String comparison in Filename completion and DIR/LIST is now localized
  - OS2.0+: AmigaOS wildcards are used (they are localized). They are a
    bit different. To get back the internal ones use: FLAGS WILD OFF
  - Default prompt is now "%p> " again (something has to be changed :-)
  - New Tooltype: HELPMAN , new CLI option: -h
  -  Options  can be overridden by surrounding them with quotes
  - Bug fixes: DEL key, FLAG CHECK -> locks, scripts ending in LF

V2.7 14.08.95:
  - Support of  anonymous pipes . You can choose between
    real and pseudo pipes using  FLAGS PIPE .
    Multiple pipes and aliases are also supported.
    All internal commands can be left to "|".
  - Internal commands that can take data from standard input (stdin)
    (can be right to "|" only when using pseudo pipes):
  -  EXECUTE ZSHELL scriptname  executes a ZShell script
  -  RUN command  outputs to current window,
     RUN >filename command  outputs to filename
  -  Redirection >W  opens a window
  -  MORE : Key N searches next occurence of searchstring
  -  PROTECT : You can use = similar to + or -, reduced disk access
  -  FLAGS CHECK ON  does not count locks anymore, use  LOCATE  instead
  -  MAKELINK : HARD is default, SOFT must be specified explicitely
  -  DELETE dirname ALL  deletes contents of the directory, then tries to
    remove the directory
  -  CTRL-P  flushes FNC-buffer (useful on CrossDOS disks)
  - Default  prompt  is now "%s> " again
  -  EVAL  uses now different symbols
  - Bugfixes (Thanks to Christian and Timothy who reported most of them)

V2.8 25.08.95:
  -  Filename completion  accepts wildcards
  - Support of logfiles, see  CONFIG LOGFILE 
  - No space before  pipe symbol |  needed, use | to get |
  - Better handling of  and of rediretion names
  - New chapter:  Command Line Parser 
  -  CTRL-F  behaves similar to  Filename completion 
  -  MEMCLK  uses correct font
  - Probably added some brand new nasty bugs and left some ugly old bugs :)
  - And what is best: Improved versionnumber !  ;-)  All changes since V1.3 made by  Martin Gierich .